Serviced Appraisals

Needing a professional real estate appraisal? Contact Serviced Appraisals today or place your order online.

It doesn't matter what type of real estate is in question. Our experience and education as licensed appraisers make us qualified to provide home valuations in Franklin, Jefferson, Lincoln, St. Charles, St. Louis, and Warren Counties, as well as St. Louis City for clients ranging from national mortgage companies to local lenders, law offices, or individual businesses and consumers.

Not limited to just mortgage transactions, we can also assist you with:
 For a real estate appraisal in Saint Charles contact Serviced Appraisals at (636) 236-9054

• Setting a home's listing price

• Lowering your mortgage payment by removing PMI

• Expert witness testimony and divorce settlements

• Appraisals for relocation coordinators

• Tax Challenges (reducing property taxes)

• Retrospective home valuations

Our investment in technology results in quicker appraisals for our clients and lower costs for us (and subsequently you). Of course, it's been our experience that no matter where you go, service is the number one reason a client comes, goes, repeats or refers their friends. We keep this in mind whether you're talking to us on the phone, in e-mail or conversing in person. Our objective is simply an unsurpassed experience for our customers. Experience first hand why we're the appraisal firm for you. Call us today.